Mr. Parks is a ham, pure and simple. He's a sweetheart too. He gave me one of the best interviews I've ever done. I took him to the Frick Art & Historical Center today - along with Clare & the Reasons who are touring with him and backing him up. During Van Dyke's college years, he attempted to get in to a party at the Frick mansion that Helen Clay Frick was having for Arthur Rubenstein, in which our beloved pianist made it past the door but not into the parlour before Ms. Frick had him booted.
Here is a picture of me and him after our tour, which coincidentally was given by the mother of Andy Mulkerin, who wrote about him in City Paper last week. That's Pittsburgh for you.

Ironically, this almost didn't happen. When I heard Van Dyke was coming I was having a moment of doubt about my ability or desire in writing articles about music, so I nearly blew off pitching Blurt for about a week. IOf course I changed my mind and I'm glad I did because this turned out to be one of the most amusing days I've had in the last few months.
The Blurt article isn't up yet, so I won't give away more of his golden quotes. Keep watching.
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